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birželio 16, 2024, 23:35:24


Kokie šaunūs yra ištikimi VIEŠPATIES žmonės!
Būti su jais man didžiausias malonumas. Ps 15 (16) - 3

Atsargiai - Muzika !

Pradėjo Agnietė, sausio 16, 2013, 10:27:22

0 Nariai ir 1 Svečias peržiūrinėja šią temą.


 Apie muzika pagalvojau uzvesti tema, perskaicius straipsni, kad Vasario 14 d i Kauna atvyksta Slash'as.


( Pastaba -Zvilgtelkite i muzikanto is kaires marskineliu simbolika )

Tad apie muzika. Del laiko stokos tai anglu kalboje:

by Dr. Juanita McElwain http://www.specialtyinterests.net/possession.html

Music Beats

Much has been said and written by many people about the harmfulness of the beats in rock music. One of the most important reasons it is harmful is because it calls the demons. This use of music goes way back in African history. It is also found in Indian history. From these countries, and particularly from Africa, the music and religion spread in the world because of the dispersion of people in slavery. Even though slaves, people preserved their loyalty to their religion through whatever means they could. Drums are played, there is dancing. A certain rhythm is played, depending on which god is desired, and that god comes and possesses individuals. The same exact rhythms are used in African and Indian music, in rock music and in music used in meetings of faith healers. It seems as though the god is willing to come whenever called by anyone.

Ritual Songs

Music is a necessary part of the rituals, a primary purpose of which is to accomplish a state of possession by one or more of the gods.  The role of the drums is to call the gods and thus bring on spirit possession, which is the ultimate purpose of most rituals. Drums are usually played in a battery of three. It is the rhythm identified with each god that is a primary instrument in summoning him and no worship of the gods is possible without the rhythms that call and speak for the god. (See Harold Courlander, A Treasury of Afro-American Folklore, Crown Publishers, Inc., NY, 1976.)
The drums have the primary religious function of calling the gods, and thus of bringing on spirit possession. (See G. Behague, "Patterns of Candomble Music Performance: an Afro- Brazilian Religious Setting," Performance Practice Ethno-musicological Perspectives, Greenwood Press, CT, 1984, 231.)

In all of these religions we find a spirit possession, which is echoed, primarily through the beat of the music, in rock music, in faith healing, and even in churches of all persuasions. The devil has done a good job of infiltrating our culture with spirit possession, which may be very real, even though people do not realize that it is happening to them.

Altered State of Consciousness

The other main stream technique, in which the devil uses music to bring about spirit possession, is that of the altered state of consciousness. "Thoughts naturally flit across the mind, and considering an idea generally brings up related thoughts. Occultists teach that, by visualization and concentration, this natural flow of thoughts can be interrupted. As this occurs, subjects slip into an altered state of consciousness which we have identified as the corridor of the mind." Wade, op. cit., 74,75. This is called by various names such as illumination, enlightenment, trance, tuning in, and hypnotism. Wade further states: "Any type of concentration on sensual stimulation may alter consciousness. Music with a strong rhythm, or concentration on the relaxation of different parts of the body, can induce it. Before proceeding, it is important to understand the ways in which music facilitates an altered state of consciousness. One important element of the process is called entrainment. In 1665, the Dutch scientist Huygens noticed that if two clocks were placed next to each other, they would soon begin ticking synchronously and so was discovered the Law of Entrainment. Rhythms in close proximity will entrain. Because of entrainment, music is often used beneficially to control heart rate and other rhythms in the body. Since this is true, it is also possible to use the rhythm of sound to control the rhythm of brainwaves. Neuro-chemical cortical brain activity may be measured. A set of descriptors has been developed and identified as Beta, Alpha, Theta and Delta. Neurons are constantly firing at various rates all over the brain, but one of these levels may be predominant at any given time under given circumstances. Brain waves are vibrations measured in Hertz (Hz), or cycles per second.


Music is also vibration, which is measured in cycles per second or Hertz, which determines frequency or pitch. Another element, which the devil employs in his arsenal, is that of difference tones. This is a phenomena commonly explained in psychology of music texts whereby a phantom tone is heard. Under certain conditions, when two tones are sounded simultaneously, a tone equal to the difference in Hz (cycles per seconds) between the two tones may be heard even though it is not being played. If tones of 100 Hz and 106 Hz were sounded, a phantom tone of 6 Hz might be heard. Or if a C and a G above it were played simultaneously, the C an octave lower might be heard.

To combine these three (entrainment, difference tones and brainwaves), consider the following: notes producing difference tones of very low or small frequency could be played and embedded just below the audible sound of the music. When the listener hears the music the embedded difference tones (although inaudible to him) will entrain with the listener's brainwaves, thus controlling them or causing them to match the difference tones. Without realizing what is happening to him, the listener's brain waves may be led to an Alpha, Theta, or Delta state according to the whim of the controller. Some believe that the devil has been using techniques such as these since the beginning of the world and is still using them.

"The ancients knew how to use music to elicit a mystical experience. . .. Everything remains on the level of the emotions and the nervous system. Even today, thanks to the media, we can witness the effect of music on the masses. Singers and musicians exercise tremendous power over crowds of adoring fans. We no longer need lyrics or a coherent message to convince others. The phenomenon has even invaded religious communities. In reaction to the cerebral frigidity of traditional services, certain denominations have fallen into the other extreme. They spoon-feed and wash down the message by the continuous purring of background music. Believers, transported by the spirit, shout and cry out in delirious enthusiasm

A large part of goddess worship was the use of the hand drum to call the spirits. Tibetan bells, or Tin-Ssha's, have been used in Buddhist meditation practice for many centuries. The two bells, which are rung together, are slightly out of tune with each other. The difference tones between them lie somewhere between four and eight cycles per second. This is exactly in the range of the brain waves created during meditation and helps shift the brain to these frequencies. Tibetan bells are experiencing popularity in western culture at the present time. (See Don Campbell, Music Physician for Times to Come, Quest Books, Wheaton, IL, 1991, 228, 229.)

All this leads to the present. Twentieth-century people discovered an ancient usage of difference tones and entrainment and successfully used them to produce an altered state of consciousness.

A man named Monroe first discovered the use of specific frequencies to entrain the brain. He discovered that certain frequencies, which were in the same spectrum as brain waves, could produce entrainment of brain waves. These are too low for the human ear to hear, but by using higher sounds he could produce difference tones. "If the frequencies of two sound sources are applied separately, one to each ear, an Abinaural beat frequency is created. As explained above this is not an actual sound, but only a frequency difference between two actual sounds. The sound is heard within the brain itself, the binaural beat frequency is created by both brain hemispheres working simultaneously. The entrainment or frequency following response did not take place only in the area of the brain responsible for hearing, or only in the left or right hemispheres: the entire brain resonated, the waveforms of both hemispheres becoming identical in frequency, . . ." thus achieving an altered state of consciousness. Campbell, op. cit.

Guarding the Mind

Tone wave generators have been built which can insert any difference tones in desired musical carriers. They are called binaural tone generators. They are available for anybody to purchase and are very easy to use. This means that this technique which can open the mind to demon possession is readily available to any that choose to use it. It is to be found in videotapes, cassette tapes, etc., which are being used.

The only protection available to counteract these wiles of Satan is found in Isaiah 26:20, which speaks about the present days: "Come, my people, enter thou into thy chambers, and shut thy doors about thee: hide thyself as it were for a little moment, until the indignation be overpast."


Istraukos is straipsnio "Should Christians Listen to Secular Music?" http://www.worshipinspiritandtruth.net/page8.htm

Effects of Secular Music

There are few people who understand the power that music has over the mind.  The moods of listeners change as they listen to various kinds of music.  Do you want an example?  Put a young man in a car and let him drive it while listening to fast paced rock music, and see how he drives!  Actual tests have proved that music has a direct influence on the pulse rate, blood pressure, and the nervous system.  Take a look at this quote from Dr Schoen:

"Music is made of the stuff which is in and of itself the most powerful stimulant known among the perceptual process.... Music operates on our emotional faculty with greater intensiveness and rapidity than the product of any other act."  (The Psychology of Music, Page 39)

An important discovery made in the field of music shows that music is heard in the portion of the brain which received the stimuli of emotions, sensations and feelings, and bypasses the brain centres involving reason and intelligence.  Time magazine described rock and roll music in this way .... "The hypnotic beat works a strange kind of magic.  Many dancers become oblivious to those around them.  They drift away from their partners.  Inhibitions flake away, eyes glaze over, until suddenly they are seemingly swimming along in a sea of sound." ..... Since the music goes straight to the part of the brain which receives emotions and sensations, the person will be affected by the music without making any conscious decision.

When asked why he did sexual hand gestures on stage, Michael Jackson replied, "It's the music that COMPELS me to do it.  You don't think about it, it just happens.  I'M A SLAVE TO THE RHYTHM."  (The Evening Star, Feb. 11, 1993)

Doctors have started using music to reach the minds of the mentally ill and retarded.  Words may mean nothing to them, but the music opens up the sensory part of the brain providing a way in.  The problem with this, although helpful for doctors with the mentally ill, is the fact that satan can use rock and pop music to make a sneaky attack upon anyone who listens to it.  When you think about the facts, it easy to understand how the beat of modern rock music has created so much moral havoc among the young.  The theme of sex, drugs, violence and rebellion have been drilled into their minds, creating an emotional acceptance of these sins.

Take a look at these quotes from well known rock artists:

"Rock has always been the devil's music ... I believe rock and roll is dangerous ... I feel we're only heralding something even darker than ourselves."  (David Bowie, Rolling Stones Magazine, Feb. 12, 1976)

"Hopefully I'll be remembered as the person who brought an end to Christianity."  (Marilyn Manson, Spin, August 1996)

"I'd kill my mother for rock and roll.  I would sell my soul."  (Bon Jovi, Smash Hits Magazine (for kids!!)

"First of all we want to thank Satan!"  (Red Hot Chili Peppers, receiving an award at MTV awards in 1992)

It is no secret that some rock and roll performers are not only tied in with drugs, but with spiritualism.  Some performers have even attributed their success by way of a covenant with satan, meaning satan is controlling the production of the music.  And the vast amount of teenage rebellion today can be attributed in part to the constant exposure of broken rhythms in rock music.

"A broken meter in a treble, played over an insistently regular beat in the left hand with gradually increasing rapidity almost to the point of frenzy, is capable of producing the identical disintegrating and almost hysterical effect on an organism; as if a person would try to rush madly in two directions at the same time.  Any psychiatrist knows that it is precisely this two directional pull of conflicting drives of emotions that is helping to fill our mental hospitals with broken wrecks of humanity."  (Alice E. Monsarrat, Music - Soothing, Sedative or Savage)

It has been said that the fundamental riffs, licks, bass figures and drum rhythms that make rock and roll can ultimately be traced back to African music of a primarily spiritual or ritual nature.  "In a sense, rock and roll is a kind of voodoo."  (Robert Palmer).

My true belief about rock and roll is this - I believe this kind of music is demonic.  A lot of the beats in music today are taken from voodoo, from the voodoo drums."  (Charles White, The Life and Times of Little Richard, page 197)

In fact, the spirit behind most secular music is Satanic. Several artists have even admitted to "selling" their souls to Satan for fame and fortune. Many artists have also admitted themselves to channeling or being a conduit for evil spirits to create or perform their music. Remember, these are the artists saying themselves and the people around them that have said they are possessed or feel like the music is channeled through them.

Tori Amos said "I think music comes through dimensions, it`s arrogant to think you can create music on your own, there`s a co-creation going on. I don`t know with whom, but there is this well that we all tap into". She once said "I wanted to marry Lucifer I don't consider Lucifer an evil force .I feel his presence with his music. I feel like he comes and sits on my piano". She even made a song dedicated to Lucifer

John Lennon is believed to have "sold" his soul or made a deal with the devil, in fact he said it himself. There is even a book about it called The Lennon Prophecy. The Beatles channeled evil spirits as those in his inner circle revealed. John Lennon once said "When the real music comes to me it has nothing to do with 'cause I'm just a channel. It's given to me and I transcribe it like a channel." He once referred to himself as a hollow temple in which the spirits would inhabit him then leave to be inhabited by another. When asked why The Beatles were so successful he said himself "I sold my soul to the devil" (Ray Coleman, Lennon, McGraw-hill)

Kurt Cobain did say his life's goal was to "get stoned and worship Satan" (op. cit. Sandford, p. 42). He it was reported that he was involved in witchcraft. Indeed he did channel demons as Cobain is described as "stumbling on melodies by means he himself didn't fully understand." (op. cit. Sanders, p. 70).

Brian Wilson, from The Beach Boys who once said "We were doing witchcraft, trying to make witchcraft music" admitted that he was tormented by voices in his head that would distract and torment him. Records president Larry Waronker claims to have encountered at least five different entities that use Brian Wilson's body as their home.

Jimi Hendrix believed he was possessed by demonic spirits. His girlfriend admitted it as well. His producer also stated that he believed he was possessed. Hendrix begged his girlfriend for help and he felt that the voices in his head were tormenting him.

Black Sabbath's Ozzy Osbourne admitted he was being used by some outside external force:
"I really wish I knew why I've done some of the things I've done over the years. Sometimes I think that I'm possessed by some outside spirit. A few years ago, I was convinced of that – I thought I truly was possessed by the devil. I remember sitting through the Exorcist a dozen times, saying to myself, 'Yeah, I can relate to that.'" (Hit Parader, Nov., 1984, p. 49)

Prince admitted he had another person [evil spirit] living inside him on Oprah. He said he wrestled with changing his name because he didn't know what the spirit wanted him to be called.

Elvis Presley is believed to have been demonic possessed. People who knew him said he had occultic powers.

Carlos Santana admitted he channeled a spirit to make his music. He even has a name for it Metatron:
"Metatron is an angel. Santana has been in regular contact with him since 1994. Carlos will sit here facing the wall, the candles lit. He has a yellow legal pad at one side, ready for the communications that will come. 'It's kind of like a fax machine,' he says."

Beyonce confessed that is controlled by an external force. She's calls the entity Sasha Fierce. She said it takes control of her when she performs on stage. It has been said that in one performance she was angry after a performance because Sasha Fierce threw her ring on her finger to the audience.

There are many interesting Youtube video analysis of Beyonce, Jay Z, Rihanna and other Hiphop/R&B acts who blatantly have Satanic symbols in their music videos.

Jim Morrison himself believed he was a sort of a shaman and that spirits used him for his music. His producer Paul Rothschild said that the most pivotal part of his life is when this spirit entered him. At Venice Beach before he became famous he said "In that year there was an intense visitation of energy. I left school and went down to the beach to live. slept on a roof... I met the SPIRIT OF MUSIC. AN APPEARANCE OF HE DEVIL on a Venice canal. Running., I saw SATAN..." (The Lost Writings of Jim Morrison)

Jimmy Page, who was a devout follower of Satanist Aliester Crowley, was believed to be used as a vehicle for demonic spirits in his music. Other members of Led Zeppelin were said to experience 'automatic writing': "He [Robert Plant] often remarked that he could feel his pen being pushed by some higher authority." (Stephen Davis, Hammer of the Gods, p. 262). In one of their songs when played backwards you can actually hear demonic messages

Bob Dylan implied he made a deal with the Devil whom he called chief of the seen and unseen world.

Katy Perry admitted she sold her soul to the devil.

Eminem said he sold his soul in his rap song "Goodbye Hollywood" , also in his song "My Darling he retells the deal he had with the devil.

Apparently, it turns out Satan was not happy that Heavy Metal was not reaching Black people. So he created that Hip Hop to reach 'brothers' and cross all kinds of ethnic & cultural barriers.

A former Satan worshiper, John Todd, explains how record companies conjure up evil spirits and use witchcraft to brainwash people through Rock and Roll. Mind you this was taped around 40 years ago.

In the cover song, "The Prince", Metallica openly sing:
"Angel from below . . .
with diamonds you repay I don't care for heaven
so don't you look for me to cry
AND I WILL BURN IN HELL from the day I die."
"Follow me now my child . . .

Bon Jovi sings in "Homebound Train":
"When I was just a boy
Took me from my home
He made me a man . . .
On the homebound train."  . . .
Jump by your will or be taken by force I'll get you either way . . .

Diak. Tomas M.

Ačiū labai už parinktus resursus!  :thumbup:

Gal ateity bendromis pajėgomis galėsime juos išversti, kad visi galėtų paskaityti.

Dar tik pridėsiu keletą gerų resursų, kur galima paskaityti ir pažiūrėti dokumentinius kadrus apie daugelių muzikos ir kino "žvaigždžių":



Diak. Tomas M.

Labai įdomi paskaita apie muziką (anglų k.), jos įtaką kultūros formavimuisi ir žmogaus sielai. Ten taip pat gana detaliai aiškinama, kodėl nėra tokio dalyko, kaip "krikščioniškas rokas" ar "krikščioniškas metalas":

Muzikos įtaka kultūrai:

Muzikos įtaka žmogui:


gaila neturiu laiko paieškoms
prieš kokia 15 metų buvo labai rimtas straipsnis lietuvių kalba
apie roką ir įvairias garsias roko grupes
autorius Algirdas Patackas
gal kada surasiu  :'(

Diak. Tomas M.

Citata iš: kukulis  vasario 25, 2014, 10:06:30
Verdavo širdį per Marijos radiją klausomas rožinis, gailestingumo vainikėlis; per youtube klausydavau Beyonce "Ave Marija"
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rgxfthPHTwc.  Ši daina

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bnVUHWCynig kažkodėl man atrodė kad yra apie Dievą. :)

Savo laikais ir metalą klausydamas, kažką ten gero įžvelgdavau, bet ir tavo atveju greičiausiai ta daina nėra apie Dievą:


Kartu yra tiesiog įspūdinga, ko blogis nepadarys, kad tik žmones suklaidintų... jis gali net "Ave Maria" giedoti  :no-no:

Diak. Tomas M.

Beieškodamas to video apie Beyonce, užtikau ir apie Sarah McLachlan:


Du kompaktai iš mano senos kolekcijos keliauja į šiukšliadėžę... pagalvojau, kaip mes neįsiklausime į tai, kas mums į ausį dainuojama... ir kaip mes nežinome, kas už tų angeliškų balsų iš tiesų slepiasi  :-\

Sarah McLachlan taip pat dainuoja krikščioniškų motyvų dainą "angelo rankos", tačiau žinant jos asmenines mintis, supranti, kad ten tikriausiai ne apie šviesos angelą buvo dainuojama...


Citata iš: Tomas M.  vasario 26, 2014, 13:57:02

Savo laikais ir metalą klausydamas, kažką ten gero įžvelgdavau, bet ir tavo atveju greičiausiai* ta daina nėra apie Dievą:


Kartu yra tiesiog įspūdinga, ko blogis** nepadarys, kad tik žmones suklaidintų... jis gali net "Ave Maria" giedoti  :no-no:

* Kodėl manai kad mano atveju ne apie Dievą?
** Šiuo atveju blogis tai čia kas  :D ?


Nenusimanau muzikoje beveik nieko. Ir muzikos nesiklausau praktiškai (mano mėgstamiausia muzika - paukščių ir kitų gyvulėlių garsai).
Tiesiog dainininkai, arba, kaip dabar populiaru vadinti - atlikėjai, jie tokie pat žmonės, todėl nėra grynai blogi arba grynai geri. Kiekvienas, net ir satanistas, gali persigalvoti, atgailauti ir pradėti gyvenimą absoliučiai priešingą ikitoliniam ir tai atsispindės jo muzikoje, dainos žodžiuose. Gali ir nepersigalvoti, tiesiog kokį kartą kitą pasielgti teisingai, gerai - padainuoti/sugiedoti Dievą garbinančią dainą/giesmę ar pasisakyti ne taip, kaip visada. Nedrįsčiau žmgaus pavadinti "blogiu", tai per daug, per stipru. Manau.
O, šita, kas dėl metalo, tai yra ir krikščioniškų metalo grupių, yra ir katalikų, mėgstančių metalą bei jį grojančių.

Diak. Tomas M.

Dėl metalo, tai nėra tokio dalyko kaip "krikščioniškas metalas" ar "krikščioniškas rokas" apie tai daug straipsnių prirašyta. Ir katalikų įvairių yra. Yra katalikai, kurie eina pas būrėjus, yra katalikai, kurie pritaria abortams, yra katalikai, kurie klauso atvirai satanistinių atlikėjų, nes "muzika nieko tokio"... bet tai nereiškia, kad tai, kad kai kurie katalikai daro, yra gerai.

O blogį aš turiu omenyje demonus, kurie veikia per tuos atlikėjus. Vėlgi, nepažiūrėjus to video, kur atlikėja pati pasakoja, kaip į ją įsikūnija dvasia ir kaip jai tai patinka, sunku kažką ir diskutuoti.


Ačiū, broli Kristuje, Tomai M. už paaiškinimą. Man anglų kalba suprantama tik raštu, ką jie ten kalba nesuprantu, nes angliškai mokausi tik kompiuterio dėka ir tik tai, kas būtiniausia, o gyvai bendrauti niekad nesiryžtu. O kur dar visi tie jų dialektai ... :swoon:

Na, Dievas mus sukūrė skirtingus, todėl mes tuos pačius dalykus priimame skirtingai, todėl vieniems egzistuoja krikščioniškas rokas ir metalas ir dar koks ten kitoks muzikos stilius, o kitiem atrodo jog tai - nesuderinama. Tekyla Dievui garbė iš visų mūsų širdžių! O kaip toji garbė skambės žmogiškąjai ausiai, tegu kiekvienas sprendžia pagal savo sugedimo laipsnį.  :thumbup:


Aš tai guodžiuosi vienu dalyku: Dievas galingesnis už visas tas nesąmones. O jei jos vyksta, vadinasi daleidžia, kad tie kurie kenčia, už tai parodytų savo valią tiems dalykams pasipriešinant. Tokiu būdu iš to blogio Dievas dar padaro šiokį tokį gėrį.

O kai jau tų nesąmonių bus tiek, kad iš jų nebus galima išspausti nieko gero, tai ateis pasaulio pabaiga ir bus baigta su tom nesąmonėm.  :swoon:


Gal cia ir ne visai sklandziai i temos tekme pataikantis klausimas, bet kad jau apie muzika isejo kalba, gal kas galit pasakyti, ar pavojinga yra Enya?  :o
Kai kuriu zanru pavojingumas labai akivaizdus, kitu gerokai uzsleptas, taciau bet kuriuo atveju jau atejo man tas amzius kad bet kokios muzikos ilgai klausytis negaliu. Kuo energingesne, nuo trumpesniam laikui mano ausys ir visa nervu sistema ja isileidzia. Rokas man buvo laaabai prie sirdies, paauglystes metais, visokios nirvanos ir panasiai lipo prie manes. Bet po atsivertimo muzika rinktis emiau labai atsargiai, nes esu is tu, kurie pasauli labiau priima garsais nei vaizdais, ir muzika mane laaabai veikia. Todel kai vienoj online radijo stoty radau Enya prie new-age muzikos stiliaus, nebedrisau jos klausytis, nors ji man ir patinka. Ar new-age stilius is viso yra tapatintinas su nelaimingaja new-age pasauleziura? Nezinau. internete kiek radau info tai saknys jei ne tos pacios, tai bent jau giminingos.  :-\


Nežinau dėl enyos. Ten jų muzikoje daug yra keltų tautos motyvų. Tai tais pačiais motyvais yra toks "Secret Garden" kurio kūrėjai tikrai yra krikščionys.

O man asmeniškai tai žmogiškos kūrybos viršūnė yra John Tavener muzika, ypač "The protecting veil"
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=022lNxhAEec&list=PLH20p6_FOKy5iBLBtIeyTinEevnATp2KC .

Dar patinka "angelų sukurta" muzika ;) Agni Parthene. Čia yra rusiškas variantas :
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C7vvPXz-Qes . (Pradžioje pusantros minutės skambina varpais šiame įraše :) )


ji priskiriama prie New Age judėjimo muzikos. Konkrečiai Enya kūriniai
ilgai juos klausant veda prie užsidarymo, ji užsklendžia žmogų, atitveria nuo aplinkos.


Gal galėtum padetalizuoti?

Tu kontempliavai ir nusprendei kad Enya klausymas veda prie užsisklendimo?

Teisingai supratau?


Patirtis atėjusi per kontempliaciją (dar kitas pasakytų meditaciją) klausyk ir stebėk kokie pakitimai darosi viduje.


Gal tu ir teisingai viską nusprendei bekontepliuodamas.
Tavo išvados gali būti nekorektiškos dėl keleto priežasčių:

1) Galėjai pats nesuprasti teisingai savo kontempliacijos metu. ( Tarkim šitas iš kart atkrenta )
2) Supratimas, kad klausantis enya užsisklendžiama, gali tikti tik tau, bet nebūtinai kitiems.
3) Jeigu išvada kad klausantis enya yra tinkama visiems, tuomet tau kontempliacijos metu turėjos ateiti ir supratimas kaip tai išdėstyti kitiems. Jeigu šis supratimas neatėjo, tuomet yra nekorektiška kitiems kalbėti apie užsisklendimą, nepateikiant svarių priežasčių kodėl taip yra.

Beje, aistra mokyti ( kuria sergu ir pats ) yra vienas iš apsižavėjimo požymių. Žr. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prelest#Passion_of_teaching


Dėl mokymo žinau  :(
bet kai pradedi liudyti, mokymas baigiasi ...
o apsižavėjimo (puikavimosi) požymiu gali būti, tapti bet kas

Citata3) Jeigu išvada kad klausantis enya yra tinkama visiems, tuomet tau kontempliacijos metu turėjos ateiti ir supratimas kaip tai išdėstyti kitiems. Jeigu šis supratimas neatėjo, tuomet yra nekorektiška kitiems kalbėti apie užsisklendimą, nepateikiant svarių priežasčių kodėl taip yra.
iš kur toks įsitikinimas ? :-\

bet tuo pačiu tai iššūkis ir Tau pačiam, patyrinėk  :thumbup: